Youth Programs

The real world version of social networking! Nothing has quite the impact on teens today than the relationships they have with their friends. Bring them down to one of our youth activities–they’ll have a blast!


Please contact Kieshia Desmond to learn more about upcoming Youth Activities; Kieshia Desmond


Y Mind

The Y Mind program is an innovative, youth informed, early intervention program that helps teens and young adults manage stress and anxiety. Y Mind helps young people cope with anxiety and improve their sense of well-being by introducing them to evidence-based tools and connecting them with others.

Y Mind was first developed by the YMCA of Greater Vancouver and has been offered in British Columbia since 2018 thanks to funding provided by the Province of British Columbia. Y Mind has now expanded to 21 YMCAs across the country.


Member Programs or Drop-in Fee Options

Open Gymnasium & Youth Basketball Ages 13-18

  • Youth basketball is a scrimmage that promotes skill and competition. Youth will often be split up into older and younger groups for half-gym games. This is a supervised program.
  • To view the schedule and to book your spot; download the My Y App today.

Teen Night
Y Fridays Ages 13-18  

  • YMCA Teen Night provides an opportunity for youth aged 13–18 to participate in various activities at the Centre. Activities may include recreational sports, swimming, jam sessions, conditioning, fitness, and leadership activities. Appropriate workout attire and footwear required.
  • Use the My Y App to view the schedule and book your spot.